All this controversy surrounding two pills called Plan B, I wonder what happens to the rest of the population who have sex and don’t have access to Plan B. So now they made it readily available to women and men 17 years of age and over, so what, it is only going to be effective if you take it. It’s like other contraceptive methods; everything is there for you in plain sight, to protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy but what’s the point if you are not going to utilize it. Teenagers severely lack the sexual education and most of them are not mature enough to make a decision or maybe they just don’t plain care. Parents are part of this too, encouraging kids too much by showing their lack of care in their kids’ activities and not restricting them in some cases. So far, kid’s decision making skills are poor.
We all went through that phase that we know everything and because the parents are providing for you, life is a breeze. It’s when the wind propelling that breeze cuts off, and you finally feel the weight known as reality. There has to be a better way to prevent teen pregnancies, and abortions. We just need to be more open about it and have to get through the barrier that the kids somehow can’t see through. The more you restrict the more challenging or wild it’s for teenagers. Kids think that having sex is the next step to adulthood, and when you’re hormones are running wild, it might be too addictive for some to control it. Also, why would you want to burden yourself with an extra person to care for when you can’t even take care of yourself?
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